Friday 6 May 2011

Friday 6/5/11

Today, we've been tasked by John to write an extensive blog entry about the whole film project and shizzle.

At first I thought filming was gonna be easy, a simple this and that thing, just holding the camera and recording, oh boy was I wrong D: As we filmed, we as a group learned it was harder than it looked, first, the acting, some people just couldn't do basic acting. such as george, who couldn't even act natural without putting on this crappy lame tough guy voice, damn it was annoying -_- Lucky you didn't have to hear it, then there was Alistair who rages too much over nothing, that I practically wanted to punch him several times, lucky for him, I just sucked it up and continued, seeing as I wanted it done, the idea at the start of the project was to create this awesome zombie movie but by the time of just under halfway through the month, we just wanted to finish it, we didn't care how it turned out as long as it was decent afterall, we re-wrote the script twice, seeing as Megyn's script just made her (and her only) look too much of a badass and Olivia's was more conversation than zombie movie, then I rewrote it, but i also drew it out in storyboard form with the lines underneath the respective panels, I guess when I wrote/drew mines, I imagined it a little bit out of my reach at the moment, I imagined it in a similar fashion to modern blockbusters despite lack of crew and technology, afterall this is my first REAL experience with film making ever and there was more drama than the film we made in all honesty, all natural unfortunately, see, george was dissing Olivia's accent quite a bit, and it was annoying Olivia alot eventually, it reduced her to tears D: which was baaaaaad!!!!
After an hour long obstacle of not being able to film much due to lack of Olivia, eventually she wanted to finish it, and thankfully we weren't far done, after a lil bit of improvising we filmed the final scene, where I had 2 roles :D not bad for my first film, right?

Character roles:

Scott Burns: Ryan/Zombie 1
Olivia : Olivia (couldnt be bothered giving her a made-up name)
George: John/Zombie 2
Alistair: Kyle
Megyn: KD (left due to some made up holiday)
Emily: Zombie 3 (from the other group but willingly helped us :) )

Thursday 5 May 2011

Thursday 5/5/11

Today in Laura's class, I went onto moodle and did the Customer Care course and scored 14/15 in the quiz getting a nice pass which is now another thing to add onto my CV.

In Hannah's class, we continued getting closer to finishing our title sequence for the film project, and we're doing this animated poster thingy, adding effects and sounds and shizz to it, though I may have to start again due to it's slowdown

For college printers, the standard DPI for images is 150 whereas in professional printers, the DPI setting is 300 :)


Thursday 28 April 2011

Thursay 28/4/11

Today in Laura's class we went onto moddle and she showed us this task bar that students can download for free which is very useful for working on the computer, we downloaded it but unfortunately it wouldn't work, so Laura talked us through how it works.

In Hannah's class we continued with our title sequence, we ran into a little bit of trouble with some lost images but problem solved now, hopefully it still works out, and speaking of trouble, both coloured printers in the library were out of order, so I couldn't print out my poster in colour D:

Oh Well </3


Thursday 21 April 2011

Thursday 21/4/11

After a good 2 week break, we're back in college :)

And while we're back in college, it means another blog entry ;D Laura's class we sat outside due to the awesome and lovely weather we're receiving today!
We just discussed what we did over the 2 weeks and stuff! :)

Then in Hannah's class, we had a group discussion and got on with doing our intro sequence for our film, not long till we're done! Also I finished my poster during the holidays! I'm so proud of it! :D

Framerate: The standard rate of any animation is 24 FPS (Frames Per Second) which creates a flawless illusion of movement, we did an example of this in our flip books and I did over 30 frames so the framerate was at something like 0:01 seconds to create the illusion of movement.

Onion Skinning: It's the process of placing a picture over another picture, then turning the opacity on the image to abut 50% so we can see both images to align them together, this was another process which we did for our flip books when putting the images together.

Tweening: It's the process where a professional drawer draws the two key images of a picture and the assistant drawers draw everything in between to create the animation :)

Below you can see my finished poster!

Friday 1 April 2011

Friday 1/4/11

1. I found the campus of Stirling University to be a really beautiful place :) the place was neat and tidy and the location was just lovely!

2. the art shown throughout the tour of the place was eye catching and really helped colour the place up and the library was enormous with 3 floors of books and computers for research, studying and the likes.

3. The MacRobert centre on the campus was probably the coolest area, having a kids play area, a bar and a cinema which is impressive for a University :) It was probably the most colourful area of the whole place xD

Today in Dee's class, we continued on with doing our intro sequence for our Zombie movie project, which by the way, we completed today in John's class with editing still needing done!

Below is what I did today, my movie poster design, which has been scanned and in the process of being fully coloured in!!!

so yeah....GO ME!!! :D

Friday 25 March 2011

Friday 25/3/11

Today in John's class, we got the cams, tripods and whatnot and got filming ASAP, but now we're using 2 camera's instead of one, cos like...I think thats better :P

I've got a feeling that we may JUST pass this section of the course, as it's tough, I admit, but do able, especially since, next week is the last week for filming :)

We'll see how it goes though <3

Later in Dee's class, we got in our groups, discussed what to do and went at it,  but I am currently having problems with photoshop, so im gonna try colouring the pic at home :) hopefully all should go well, but not getting my hopes up xD

also we get out early...woop :D

(note for group: For rotoscoping, use quick selection and then fill bucket)



Thursday 24 March 2011

Thursday 24/3/11

Today in Laura's class, we filled out a survey for the University of Stirling about our everyday life and such.

It was easy and didn't take long, leading me to an early break! :D :D :D <3

Then in Hannah's class, we got into our groups, discussed what we're doing for the next few weeks (again :/ ) and gave everyone (including the recently appeared Olivia :D ) jobs to do and got started right away :P
So far it's going nicely and I gots a feeling the finished sequence is gonna be amazing, ahaha!!!! :D

so as the Terminator says......I'll be back!


Friday 18 March 2011

Friday 18/3/11

Today in John's class, we made a start on filming in the third and final new script/storyboard and got like 90% of scene 1 done! Then I imported the new footage into imovie along with last weeks footage and will soon edit them together with my group!

Then in Dee's class, we had a group discussion and made a start on what we were supposed to do!
Alistair had to find more music, George looked at fonts suitable for it! and me and megyn drew and cut out the biohazard symbol on card!

We're gonna progress on with this more next week!

Thursday 17 March 2011

Thursday 17/3/11

Today in laura's class we talked about managing money and did a video task where watched a video of someone else's problems and wrote down our suggestions together!

In Hannah's class we discussed as a group what we're gonna do for the next 2 weeks and today we discovered that if we do it as a flipbook animation, that it's gonna take 2,480 sheets, but we can't do that XD due to time restraints, but we'll see what we can do as an alternative to the same idea!

Friday 11 March 2011

Friday 11/3/11

Today in John's class, we started filming our zombie movie, we got scene 1 done. We're not liking how it's going at the moment, so we're planning on re-writing it to make it better!!!

We'll see where this goes....

In Dee's class we went into our seperate groups and discussed our intro sequence for our film and assigned tasks to each other, I drew out the entire storyboard for our final plan!

Below are the images:

Thursday 10 March 2011

Thursday 10/3/11

Today in Laura's class there we're only four students (me included) in the class, so we were just catching up on any work we needed to do in other classes.

In Hannah's class we've been tasked with researching movie posters, choosing 5 posters and writing what we like about them, below you can look and read about my 5 choices, they're mostly zombie/horrorish ones:

 I like this one because it's simple, all the focus seems to be put into the globe with even the title in the centre of the globe.

I like this one because of the Hand-drawn style and how they capture the jist of the film in that one poster.

I like this one due to how brilliantly it captures the zombie apocalypse with the horde behind a wire fence with the grey clouds as a background and the focus onto the severed hand!!!

I like this cover due to how mysterious looking it is, with the house being the centre of the cover with a dark creepy like colour giving a sort of horror vibe to it!

Friday 4 March 2011

Friday 4/3/11

Today in John's class, we discussed about the on-coming weeks about our Zombie Trailer project, even looking at doing music for it on Reason, a music making software.

In Dee's class, we spent the hours discussing opening sequences in our groups and emded up going with my iea of a melting biohazard I did for the cover.


Thursday 3 March 2011

Thursday 3/3/11

It's now entered the month of March and it's time for a new blog entry!!!

Today in Laura's Class, we looked at Discrimination and victimizing that happens in everyday life and talking about how you can deal with it in a mature way and such!!!

Was kinda boring in my opinion!

Prepares one for the future I guess, eh? :)

Then later in Hannah's Class, we held a meeting to talk about what we need to do to plan our Intro Sequences for our filming projects, then went into our individual groups and discussed with each other who's doing what and planning on our idea's for the sequence, noting down anything thats important to the project.

Pictures will be uploaded soon!

Friday 25 February 2011

Friday 25/2/11

Today in John's class, we talked about our trip yesterday to the BBC and talked about documentaries as opposed to video artists we did a few weeks back, some examples of Documentaries I chose are:

Bowling for columbine!

In short, Michael Moore explores what the causes of the Columbine Massacre were as well as other violent acts involving guns. Throughout the movie, Michael Moore talks to people about the columbine massacre with a few known people including South Park co-creator Matt Stone and Marilyn Manson.

Super Size Me!
Its a documentary directed by and starring Morgan Spurlock which follows a 30-day period where he eats only McDonalds food. Spurlock had to eat McDonalds three times a day and had to accept supersize only if he was asked if he wanted to!

Fahrenheit 911!
 It is another documentary by Michael Moore which takes a critical look at the presidency of George W. Bush and the news coverage of the war on terror. The film's attack on the Bush administration generated some controversy at the time of the film's release.

And Metallica's "Some kind of Monster"

It is a Documentary which follows Metallica through their rehearsals and concerts leading to the creation of their album "St. Anger" It follow's Metallica through a tough time, as it we see Lars and ex-guitarist for Metallica, Dave Mustain try to to reconcile their friendship, James Hetfield going to rehabilitate for his alchohol problems and Ulrich and Hetfields breaking bond with each other!

Then in Dee's class our task is after looking at a few movie opening sequences, we are to look up any ones we didn't see and write down stuff about them, like what makes it a successful title sequence? whats the duration of the sequence? what type of animation has been used? and what makes it a good title sequence?

My definition of a good title sequence is one that is unique, or uses throwbacks to classic things (only when done right) while having good music to accompany it. That and giving the actors names of the Main characters as well as being short.

The first Title sequence ever was "A Farewell to Arms"  which was made in 1932 based on the novel made in 1929.

"The Terminator"

I think the slow dramatic music and title in the background with the credits in front is what helps the sequence be successful, it makes you interested to see the film!
The intro is precisely 1:38 long
It was most likely created using PC which is more ideal for this sort of movie!
Everything about the intro help the intro sequence appeal to the audience and gives of that Sci-Fi vibe which is what makes this sequence good!

"Dead Man on Campus"

The scans of instruction sheets with things that revolve around death and a song by Marilyn Manson playing alongside it is what I think helps make it successful
The intro is precisely 2:03 long.
It was probably created by scanning the sheets or printing them off and having a camera scroll through them, and editing the titles at the beginning.
With everything that helps make it successful plus that the many forms of death/suicide and title can give a person an idea on the story thus interesting someone to go watch the movie.


The classic horror music playing while the camera pans from gravestone to gravestone help set the mood for the movie which make it successful.
It is precisely 4:47 long.
It could be a set created specifically for this intro or could even be a scaled model set which could be on a table in a slightly dark room.
With the stuff that makes it successful, and the thunder at the beginning with the black and white scheme gives off that classic horror feel which is quite nostalgic and is good!

Thursday 24/2/11 part deux

Yesterday, after Hannah's class we went on a little trip to the BBC station in Glasgow to be guest viewers in the show "The life of Riley" and watched an episode being recorded live and being that it was a sitcom, it's supposed to lol :P as we were that "Laughing Crowd" you here in lots of sitcoms and comedies!!!

It was fun, I had fun and it was nice to see an actual TV show getting filmed, that and having a comedian entertain us between each setup for the scenes :)

The BBC building in Glasgow!!!

The cast for the Life of Riley!

Thursday 24 February 2011

Thursday 24/2/11

Today in Hannah's class we are starting our new project of creating a title sequence to our zombie flick we're doing, and we'll be looking at  title sequences from other movies to get an example of ideas for our own.
Some examples which I find good for the movie are:

28 Days Later
The Walking Dead (TV Series)
Punching Up the Daises
Cluedo Stop motion title sequence
True Blood Opening Sequence

Friday 11 February 2011

Friday 11/2/11

Today in John's class so far, we were told about the process of making a film, and after telling us and writing down on the Smartboard, we're deciding to get the film and do some test shots.

Below is the sequence of filming John wrote on the Smartboard:

Later in Dee's class we came in and Looked at each others Videos we made Yesterday in Hannah's class and rated each others, Our one was "The Devils Cola" Which was a baby getting squished by a giant cola bottle which the devil is on top of he climbs off and gets slapped by Jesus, it's an idea that kind of grew as we went along seeing as i was playing about with the little guys and putting blue-tack on them :P

Then we watched a documentary about Disney Pixar celebrating 25 Years in making Films and we're gonna  write 3 things which we didn't know about Pixar before!!!

My 3 are:

 They researched for "A Bugs Life" by placing a small camera on the end of a stick to see the world from an ant's perspective.

Pixar have put "A-113" in all their movies, which dates back to the Californian Institute for the Arts where Walt Disney himself went to.

Michael Keaton did the role for Ken in Toy Story 3!!! :O :O :O

Anyways, thats me for today Buh Bye <3 

Friday 4 February 2011

Friday 4/2/11

Today in John's class we continued discussing in our groups about whats happening with the zombie flick, afterwards, John showed us many video artists on youtube and asked us to get samples of three different video artists.

Three samples below are:

White Stripes: Fell in love with a Girl

Sony Bravia bouncy ball Advert

Fatboy Slim: Praise you

Later in Dee's class, since I had already completed my flipbook in paper form and done the flipbook evaluation in Hannah's class yesterday, I had to design a poster for a disabled awareness event in March (and Febuary just started...I swear people just want the years to fly by now...). After 2 craptacular attempts of doing a poster by hand, I struggled, went on photoshop, and struggled again D: so I went back to hand drawn and completed a poster, which was then handed in...

So thats me for this day, lets roll on the weekend :D :D :D

wooooooooooooooooooo \O/    <<happy cheering man

Buh Byeeees <3

Friday 28 January 2011

Friday 28/1/11


So yeah, todays Friday and you know what that means?...IT'S TIME...TO..PAAAAARTY!!!! *inserts party music*

But I must do that thing and tell you what happened today! :D

Well, in John's class, we continued in our epic persue-age to do our zombie flick, John liked my idea for the cover which was a melting biohazard symbol, tis rather awesome :P then he gave me the camera and I started taking pictures for locations for our flick! we were also looking at how to walk like a zombie and how to do the makeup :D tis going great so far :P

Then later in Dee's class, we continued with putting our animation together and I got it done and finally got to animate it, it looks sooooooo cool :P

We animated it by croping the slides so that we could only see the image and no black bordered line, then we clicked on window and then animation in the drop-down menu, afterwards, it brought up a bar which we then clicked in the top-right corner and selected Make frames from layers and it brought up each layer, which then I clicked the 1st frame, held down the shift button, selected the last frame and it selected all, then I chose the the time gap between each picture to get a smooth picture and thats how my animation was created :D

So hopefully that'll do for today...hopefully.....


Buh Bye <3

Thursday 27 January 2011

Thursday 27/1/11

Today in Hannah's class, we watched the Disney Pixar documentary that we watched earlier in the course, we got told to take notes cos we were going to do a quiz at the end of it, and then we marked someone elses quiz on it!

I know, nothing much, but thats all

Buh Byeee <3

Friday 21 January 2011

Thursday 20/1/11


In Laura's class we filled in a sheet about the course so far and Laura gave us feedback on how we were doing on the course.

Then later in Hannah's class, we continued with completing our flip books, I finally finished mines and coloured it, it's an animation of a spaceship that blasts off, heads to the moon, crashes on it, then explodes!!! :D Creative aren't I?


Buh Bye <3

Thursday 13 January 2011

Thursday 13/1/11

Today in Laura's class, we helped her fill out the college feedback form she was filling out by asking us questions about the course so far!

Then later in Hannah's class, we started creating a flipbook, creating a storyboard at first then attempting to create the actual product, we also learned that a frame is a still image and it takes 25 frames per second to get a smooth image (:

So thats me for today :D

Buh Byeeeees <3

Friday 7 January 2011

Friday 7/1/11

Today in Johns class, we started to put together our podcast for our class magazine, recording each of us, talking about what we did in our articles and such.

Then in Dee's class, we were shown a powerpoint on Animation, talking about different types of animation, the history and steps to creating animation.

Then we each chose our favourite type of animation in the form of a movie, music video or programme and showed an example to the class before talking about it.

Thats briefly what we did today and now to finish up :) ....

Buh Byeeee <3

Thursday 6/1/11

Today in Laura's class we filled out our college applications for the next course we want to move onto after the summer.

Later on in Hannah's class we learned.....

Animation is a rather rapid display of images placed in a sequence using either 2D or 3D artwork as well as models to create the illusion of movement. There are many known forms of animation but in todays standards, the most common methods of presenting animation are motion picture or video program.

Two forms of early animation are the flip-book animation and the mutoscope animation.  The flipnote animation, being a more primitive form of animation, was created using many still pictures, with each in a slightly different position than the last and when bundled together and flipped would create the illusion of a moving picture or an animation. The mutoscope is similar to a flip-book, but instead the images are printed on card instead of paper and were coin-operated and placed into pleasure villas and arcades during its time.

Two forms of contemporary animation are Model animation and Cel-shaded animation. Model animation is  the use of stop motion within a live action film or short, a good example of tis would be the original black and white original King Kong. Cel-shaded animation is a ind of non-photorealistic  rendering that creates a kind of colourful cartoony style to the animation, its an animation style that commonly exists in video games more than movies.

The difference between early and contemporary animation is that contemporary is far more advanced than the early animation, because of the advancement in technology has been able to create a more diverse selection of animation forms and even been able to advance on the more primitive forms of animation.

My favourite animation has to be stop-animation, because you can literally bring anything to life with it from anything