Friday 6 May 2011

Friday 6/5/11

Today, we've been tasked by John to write an extensive blog entry about the whole film project and shizzle.

At first I thought filming was gonna be easy, a simple this and that thing, just holding the camera and recording, oh boy was I wrong D: As we filmed, we as a group learned it was harder than it looked, first, the acting, some people just couldn't do basic acting. such as george, who couldn't even act natural without putting on this crappy lame tough guy voice, damn it was annoying -_- Lucky you didn't have to hear it, then there was Alistair who rages too much over nothing, that I practically wanted to punch him several times, lucky for him, I just sucked it up and continued, seeing as I wanted it done, the idea at the start of the project was to create this awesome zombie movie but by the time of just under halfway through the month, we just wanted to finish it, we didn't care how it turned out as long as it was decent afterall, we re-wrote the script twice, seeing as Megyn's script just made her (and her only) look too much of a badass and Olivia's was more conversation than zombie movie, then I rewrote it, but i also drew it out in storyboard form with the lines underneath the respective panels, I guess when I wrote/drew mines, I imagined it a little bit out of my reach at the moment, I imagined it in a similar fashion to modern blockbusters despite lack of crew and technology, afterall this is my first REAL experience with film making ever and there was more drama than the film we made in all honesty, all natural unfortunately, see, george was dissing Olivia's accent quite a bit, and it was annoying Olivia alot eventually, it reduced her to tears D: which was baaaaaad!!!!
After an hour long obstacle of not being able to film much due to lack of Olivia, eventually she wanted to finish it, and thankfully we weren't far done, after a lil bit of improvising we filmed the final scene, where I had 2 roles :D not bad for my first film, right?

Character roles:

Scott Burns: Ryan/Zombie 1
Olivia : Olivia (couldnt be bothered giving her a made-up name)
George: John/Zombie 2
Alistair: Kyle
Megyn: KD (left due to some made up holiday)
Emily: Zombie 3 (from the other group but willingly helped us :) )

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