Tuesday 28 September 2010

Tuesday 28/9/10

Today is Tuesday, the not as depressing as Monday day :D

So anyways, today in Rob's class, we put the finishing touches on our Genre posters and created our crosswords :)

Then later on in Gavin's class, we started a new review this time on our favorite band or game :D and so far....I'm like stuck :S

Then today in dee's class we finally figured out how to add a video file to iweb for our EPK and below is images of my EPK before and after adding the video:


AFTER!!!! :P

So now I am gonna add 1 or 2 more videos to finish off that section of my EPK

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Tuesday 21/9/10

Today is Tuesday, which means it's one day closer to the weekend :D

But today in Rob's Class, we pressed on with our Genre poster, I felt the poster was a little empty, so in each corner I drew a selected instrument and colored in the title, go me :D

Then later on in Gavin's class, I spent time gathering information on both a-ha and Linkin Park for my coparison review, which I will finish for next week.

Then in Dee's class, we continued with our EPK's by starting our individual EPK's and making the web pages using iWeb, so far, so good, i only done 3 pages, see below :D

Page 1, brillliant, isn't it? ;D

Page 2, looking better every time :P

page 3, only half way done, but going nicely :)

anywho, i may edit this later at home.

buh bye <3

Monday 20 September 2010

Monday 20/9/10

Today being Monday, another boring start to the week, but anyways....

Earlier today in Laura's class, we filled out info on different types of learning styles (e.g. visual learning) and later on did a quiz to see what kind of learning style each of us are, my result being multiple learning :O

Later on in Dee's Class prepared what we're gonna be doing for the next  weeks with our EPK's and who's doing what on what days. Then I searched the web to get the audio for our EPK, I chose a total of 6 tracks with more soon, which we'll decide which song to use later on.

Then we were given the task to make a storyboard of our individual EPK's and hand it into Dee, which I had done immediately before entering into this blog, and to be brutally honest, that was probably the fun part of the class XD

anywho, I'm done for today!!!

Buh Bye <3

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Tuesday 14/9/10

So.. Today's tuesday and not as boring or depressing as yesterday, which is good :)

But yeah, Today in Rob's class, we were watching more music video's and then talking about what conventions most music video's have!

Later on in Gavin's class, we talked more about the conventions but not just in video's but Genre's too amd did a music review which we'll be continuing next week.

Today in Dee's class we learned most if not all the basics in using Adobe Photoshop, from adding text as seen below.
Look's pretty awesome, doesn't it ;D

I also added in Filter effects, as I was trying some out :P Below are a couple of pictures to kinda show you what I mean :)

No. 1

No. 2

I also learned to cut images precisely using  the layer path tool, and below is a couple of images,  the first being after I cut the image and the second being what I did with it!! :P

Poor little James lost his head D: 

But this is What I did with it :D (It's Moshin Time people!!!)

Anyways, that petty much wraps up today, so I'm gonna... well, y'know. get through the rest of my day :D

Buh Bye <3

Monday 13 September 2010

Monday 13/9/10

Well, where to start.... the weather is crap and it's a Monday, the most depressing day of the week, even more depressing is the fact it is raining ):

But anywho, today in college; in Laura's class we logged on the computers, went on to moodle and done quizzes based on questions of the college. I think I did pretty well at them :)

Then later on in Dee's class we went straight to continuing our EPK's, so far with it, I have only wrote down Metallica's discography while George and Alistair goof-off on youtube. To get further I need my notebook (which I left at home :/ ) which has facts and bio's of Metallica written in it :D

Also for the "RIYL" or "Recommend If You Like" I got a list of artist with similar music and playing styles to Metallica whom come under the Metal Genre.

Below is a picture of Metallica's Discography on Wikipedia where I gathered the information from!

That's all for today people :)

Buh Bye <3

Friday 10 September 2010

Friday 10/9/10 :)

So today, Friday 10th September I am in John's class in the music department, where today, we have been doing a couple of easy peasy sheet tasks.

Later on taking a picture for our image folder in our recently made EPK folder.

And also below is a screen-grab of our sub folders within our EPK folder for proof (I guess?) :3

Also afterwards we sent an e-mail to john and screen-grabbed an image of my e-mail in progress which you can see below. :) 

Then I had been noting information on my subject for our EPK. Our EPK subject is of the band Metallica, in which you can see in the screenshot below where I have been gathering the information from:

Hopefully this shall do for today

Buh Bye <3

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Tuesday 7/9/2010

Today in Rob's class, we watched each others music-video choices and said why we chose that video.

Then later on in Gavin's class I sent the interview to Gavin that I finished last week, then started the letter of complaint task and I am almost finished it.

After our lunch break, we made a start on doing our group EPK's, pur group are doing Metallica and I was getting information to write the bio's, then afterwards, I'm gonna gather the information for the history. 

So we'll see where this goes :)

buh bye
