Tuesday 2 November 2010

Tuesday 2/11/10

Hello people, tis that time of the day for another......BLOG ENTRY!!! 

Today in Rob's class, I started a powerpoint on a specific Music Genre, which the class is gonna have to guess, maybe next week? It won't be hard... promise ;)

Later on in Gavin's class, after 2 attempts at redoing the main-points in last weeks work, so I can move on, I finally did it, started the assessment and finished it, hopefully I did well, we'll find out next week. :)

Then in Dee's class, I brought in my magazine (Official Nintendo Magazine to be exact) and traced over a double page spread, to give an example of a layout, and afterwards, I marked each section in colours so it'll last for next years students and Im now onto starting my reviews for the college magazine, and after very little thinking (because I'm too awesome to think for long) I have made my choices.....

The (very) awesome Halo Reach!!!!! (released : September 2010)

and......(drum roll).............

Sonic 4 : Episode 1 (released : October 2010)

after 16 years, Sonic 3 gets the sequal it deserves!!! :D

More on this when I actually review the games :P

and thats me for today....so.....

byeeeee <3

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